Molecular biology


Automated microscope slide stainers are typically very expensive, and unless the lab performs heavy histological work it is hard to justify buying a €2000-€10000 machine. As a result, histology and pathology labs around the world lose thousands of working hours for following a procedure that could be easily automated.


Designed for ease of use, robustness and low-cost, the “Openspritzer” is an open hardware “Picospritzer” as routinely used in biological labs around the world. The performance of Openspritzer and commercial alternatives is effectively indistinguishable.

An open-source experimental framework for automation of high-throughput cell biology experiments

Modern Biology methods require a large number of high quality experiments to be conducted, which requires a high degree of automation. Our solution is an open-source hardware that allows for automatic high-throughput generation of large amounts of cell biology data.


This workflow is used to analyze large-scale, multi-round, high-resolution image data acquired using EASI-FISH (Expansion-Assisted Iterative Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization). It takes advantage of the n5 filesystem to allow for rapid and parallel data reading and writing.


Culture Shock is an open-source electroporator that was developed through internet based collaboration, starting on the DIYbio Google Group. It is an evolution on the traditional capacitive discharge circuit topology, instead using pulsed induction to enable a programmable waveform as well as reduce the size, weight, and cost of the equipment.


The Poseidon is an open-source syringe pump and microscope system. It uses 3D printed parts and common components that can be easily purchased. It can be used in microfluidics experiments or other applications.


Today, biologists spend too much time pipetting by hand. We think biologists should have robots to do pipetting for them. People doing science should be free of tedious benchwork and repetitive stress injuries.

Sample Rotator Mixer and Shaker

An open-source 3-D printable laboratory sample rotator mixer is developed here in two variants that allow users to opt for the level of functionality, cost saving and associated complexity needed in their laboratories.