
Mobilefuge: Low-cost, Open-source 3D-printed centrifuge

We made a low-cost centrifuge that can be useful for carrying out low-cost LAMP based detection of SARS-Cov2 virus in saliva. The 3D printed centrifuge (Mobilefuge) is portable, robust, stable, safe, easy to build and operate.

The Virtual Macaque Brain

A whole-cortex macaque structural connectome constructed from a combination of axonal tract-tracing and diffusion-weighted imaging data. Created for modeling brain dynamics using TheVirtualBrain ( platform. A detailed description and example usage can be found in the paper here: https://www.


World Wide Series Seminar BrainGlobe is a suite of Python-based computational neuroanatomy software tools. We provide software packages for the analysis and visualisation of neuroanatomical data, particularly from whole-brain microscopy.


World Wide Series Seminar Kilosort is a software package for identifying neurons and their spikes in extracellular electrophysiology, a process known as “spike sorting”. Kilosort has been primarily developed and tested on the Neuropixels 1.

Non-Telecentric 2P microscopy for 3D random access mesoscale imaging (nTCscope)

Ultra-low-cost, easily implemented and flexible two-photon scanning microscopy modification offering a several-fold expanded three-dimensional field of view that also maintains single-cell resolution. Application of our system for imaging neuronal activity has been demonstrated on mice, zebrafish and fruit flies

Addgene's AAV Data Hub

World Wide Series Seminar AAV are versatile tools used by neuroscientists for expression and manipulation of neurons. Many scientists have benefited from the high-quality, ready-to-use AAV prep service from Addgene, a nonprofit plasmid repository.

Feeding Experimentation Device ver3 (FED3)

World Wide Series Seminar FED3 is an open-source battery-powered device for home-cage training of mice in operant tasks. FED3 can be 3D printed and the control code is open-source and can be modified.


World Wide Series Seminar Suite2P is a very modular imaging processing pipeline written in Python which allows you to perform registration of raw data movies, automatic cell detection, extraction of calcium traces and infers spike times.

An open-source experimental framework for automation of high-throughput cell biology experiments

Modern Biology methods require a large number of high quality experiments to be conducted, which requires a high degree of automation. Our solution is an open-source hardware that allows for automatic high-throughput generation of large amounts of cell biology data.


World Wide Series Seminar With YAPiC you can make your own customized filter (also called model or classifier) to enhance a certain structure of your choice with a simple Python based command line interface, installable with pip.