Andre Maia Chagas

Andre Maia Chagas

Lecturer in Open Science

University of Sussex

I’m passionate about open science and open source hardware, and how those two can be used to increase research and education reach around the world. I have a background in Neurosciences and have been developing affordable open science hardware and teaching others to do so via workshops, talks and outreach events.

I started Open Neuroscience, and volunteer at Trend in Africa as an open source adviser and by organizing and running Open Labware workshops.

Currently I work at the Department of Neurosciences in the University of Sussex, where I develop equipment to support research labs. For more details on those projects check the Open Sussex Neuroscience page)

On my spare time I offer consultancy services around open science hardware through Prometheus Science. If you need to replicate a methods paper, or if you’d like something custom built for your lab, get in touch!