

Last Update: 2021-04-11

We use for our analytics. This is an Open Source system that respect users privacy (does not use cookies and is GDPR compliant).

Our website stats publicly available at, you can check them here.

Being user-driven means we have to pay close attention at how our audience interacts with our content. This includes the website, our Twitter account , and our YouTube Channel , where we host video content such us our Seminar Series Streaming.

Website Analytics


These are the days with most visits to the site

## # A tibble: 26 x 3
## # Groups:   code [4]
##    Date       code  Visitors
##    <date>     <chr>    <dbl>
##  1 2020-07-07 USA         51
##  2 2020-07-22 USA         32
##  3 2020-07-24 USA         32
##  4 2021-03-24 USA         29
##  5 2020-07-08 USA         28
##  6 2020-10-01 USA         28
##  7 2020-10-05 USA         28
##  8 2020-11-12 USA         28
##  9 2021-02-22 USA         28
## 10 2020-10-06 USA         26
## # … with 16 more rows

Twitter Analytics