This is the 4th edition of the online, freely available textbook, providing a complete, self-contained introduction to the field of Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, where computer models of the brain are used to understand a wide range of cognitive functions, including perception, attention, motor control, learning, memory, language, and executive function.
Neural network simulation software written in Go and Python, for developing biologically-based but also computationally functional neural models. Features an interactive 3D interface for visualizing networks and data, and has many implemented models of a wide range of cognitive phenomena.
Uncertainpy is a python toolbox for uncertainty quantification and sensitivity analysis tailored towards computational neuroscience. Uncertainpy is model independent and treats the model as a black box where the model can be left unchanged.
EmotiBit is a wearable sensor to capture high-quality emotional, physiological, and movement data from just about anywhere on the body. Project Author(s) Sean Montgomery Project Links Project Video
BrainSMASH is a Python-based framework for quantifying the significance of a brain map’s spatial topography in studies of large-scale brain organization. BrainSMASH was designed to generate synthetic brain maps with spatial autocorrelation (SA) matched to the SA of a target brain map.
Harvey Lab miniaturized mouse VR rig for head-fixed virtual navigation and decision-making tasks. The VR setup is comprised of several independent assemblies: The screen assembly: a laser projector projects onto a parabolic screen surrounding the mouse.
PsychRNN is designed for neuroscientists and psychologists who are interested in RNNs as models of cognitive function in the brain. Despite growing interest in RNNs as models of brain function, this approach poses relatively high barriers to entry to researchers, due to the technical know-how required for specialized deep learning software (e.
FastTrack is an open-source cross-platform tracking software. Easy to install and easy to use, it can track a large variety of systems from active particles to animals, with a known or unknown number of objects.
KnowledgeSpace aims to be a globally-used, community-based, data-driven encyclopedia for neuroscience that links brain research concepts to data, models, and the literature that support them. Further it aims to serve as a framework where large-scale neuroscience projects can expose their data to the neuroscience community-at-large.