This project was developed by Katherine Scott to be presented at the PyCon 2014. She developed a skinner box for her pet rats using a raspberry pi and some 3D printed parts.
Although stereo microscopes are an essential piece of hardware in biology labs, sometimes we wish they had more features, like the possibility to record the magnified images with a camera, or have a better lighting system to enhance contrast on those small samples.
From the Pearce lab, this syringe pump was published in Plos One and is built using 3d printed parts, stepper motors and a raspberry pi, costing 5% or less than commercial available systems.
Although of simple complexity and using low currents, this tDCS machine is still to be considered a piece of equipment that could be dangerous both in the assembly and in the operation phases, so please inform yourself as best as you can before either of these steps!
The Yale open hand project, has a similar purpose of the open hand project, that is, to make prosthetic hands more widely available through the lowering of costs. They have a different design from the open hand project.