
Stytra, a flexible, open-source software package, written in Python and designed to cover all the general requirements involved in larval zebrafish behavioral experiments.
It provides timed stimulus presentation, interfacing with external devices and simultaneous real-time tracking of behavioral parameters such as position, orientation, tail and eye motion in both freely-swimming and head-restrained preparations.
Stytra logs all recorded quantities, metadata, and code version in standardized formats to allow full provenance tracking, from data acquisition through analysis to publication.
The package is modular and expandable for different experimental protocols and setups. We also provide complete documentation with examples for extending the package to new stimuli and hardware, as well as a schema and parts list for behavioural setups.
The software can be used in the context of calcium imaging experiments by interfacing with other acquisition devices.
Our aims are to enable more laboratories to easily implement behavioral experiments, as well as to provide a platform for sharing stimulus protocols that permits easy reproduction of experiments and straightforward validation.
Project Author(s)
Vilim Stih; Luigi Petrucco
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