Calcium Imaging

Mouse VR

Harvey Lab miniaturized mouse VR rig for head-fixed virtual navigation and decision-making tasks. The VR setup is comprised of several independent assemblies: The screen assembly: a laser projector projects onto a parabolic screen surrounding the mouse.

Neurodata Without Borders

Neurodata Without Borders is a data standard for neurophysiology, providing neuroscientists with a common standard to share, archive, use, and build analysis tools for neurophysiology data. NWB is designed to store a variety of neurophysiology data, including data from intracellular and extracellular electrophysiology experiments, data from optical physiology experiments, and tracking and stimulus data.

Deep Cinac

Two-photon calcium imaging is now widely used to infer neuronal dynamics from changes in fluorescence of an indicator. However, state of the art computational tools are not optimized for the reliable detection of fluorescence transients from highly synchronous neurons located in densely packed regions such as the CA1 pyramidal layer of the hippocampus during early postnatal stages of development.